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LLM Query parsing

  • This page is only an overview. Please refer to the api reference for more detailed information.
  • The query parsing LLM reads the query and parses it into a list of filters based on a prompt. The expected result is a JSON with a list of filters to be applied to the metadata and the query.
  • This is done by providing a prompt to the RAG and telling it to extract the filters/etc and either structure it or not.
  • This implementation is served as a FastAPI service that can be queried quite easily.

Structured Implementation

  • TBD

Unstructured Implementation

  • This implementation is independent of langchain, and takes a more manual approach to parsing the filters. At the moment, this does not separate the query from the filters either. (The structured query implementation attempts to do that.)
  • The response of the the LLM parser does not take into account how to apply the filters, it just provides a list of the ones that the LLM considered relevant to the UI.
  • This component is the one that runs the query processing using LLMs module. It uses the Ollama server, runs queries and processes them.
  • You can start it by running cd llm_service && uvicorn llm_service:app --host --port 8081 &
  • Curl Example : curl

  • A prompt template is used to tell the RAG what to do.
  • The prompt_dict defines a list of filters and their respective prompts for the LLM. This is concatenated with the prompt template.
  • The response is parsed quite simply. Since the LLM is asked to provide it's answers line by line, each line is parsed for the required information according to a list of patterns provided.
  • Thus, if you want to add a new type of answer, add it to the patterns list and it should be taken care of.

  • The main logic of the above is defined here.

Additional information

  • In the process of testing this implementation, a blog was written about how the temperature parameter affects the results of the model. This can be found here.